EC1 (S & L) Syllabus

Key words(主題キーワード)listening and speaking fluency, listening to general texts and orally responding to them, listening and speaking strategies


Classes are organized around topics and tasks to practice oral skills for conversations and to introduce basic discussion skills. Students will practice listening to different kinds of general listening texts. They will do various activities to improve their listening fluency, become familiar with English sounds and sound patterns, learn different listening strategies and be exposed to different varieties of English . They also will practice active participation by talking with their classmates and teacher.


By taking this course students will:

  1. Improve their listening and speaking fluency through participation in group conversations and discussions.
  2. Increase their ability to comprehend the main ideas and key points of listening texts and display understanding through speech and discussion activities.
  3. Increase their ability to understand the main sound patterns of spoken English.
  4. Increase their confidence and motivation to actively participate in lectures, discussions, and other activities in English

Weekly plan(授業計画

Below is a tentative weekly plan which the teacher may change.

The teacher will inform students about any changes in the first lesson of each quarter.

Quarters 1 or 3

Week 1: English program orientation / course introduction

Week 2-7: Lessons will based on listening about and discussing the following personal topics and social issues: sports, music, Japanese education, student life (clubs, hobbies), endangered species, global warming, Japanese politics.

Week 8: Review

Quarters 2 or 4

Weeks 1-7: Lessons will be based on listening about and discussing the following personal topics and social issues: movies, Japan’s declining birth rate, Japanese economic issues, food, poverty.

Week 8: Review

Preparation and review (授業時間外の学習(予習)・復習)方法)

The teacher will give instructions on how students can prepare for and review lessons.

Lesson style and equipment  (授業形態・使用機器)

This section is to provide help for students with disabilities (special needs).

Students in this class may have to do following: read a textbook or a handout, talk to a partner or in a small group, watch videos, listen to a CD, use a computer, read from or write on a whiteboard.

If there are any major differences from this list the teacher will inform the students in the first lesson.


If textbooks were used in Quarter 1 they will be the same in Quarter 2

If textbooks were used in Quarter 3 they will be the same in Quarter 4  

Grading (成績評価

Each teacher will choose their own way to grade students’ listening and speaking performances. Here is an example:

Listening/Speaking assessment (e.g., interview, presentation, debate, project, tests) (30%), ALC or other outside learning (20%), listening/speaking quizzes or reports (30%), active participation in class (20%). *

* Students may get full participation points by attending all classes, coming on time, completing in class assignments, and speaking up in class. Students may lose points by being absent, coming late, off-task behavior (e.g. sleeping, or texting on your phone), or non-participation in discussions.

The teacher will inform students about grading in the first lesson.

Other important information (備考/履修上の注意)
